Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Yeva, Nature's Herald - 1st
by Tomtg PRICE: $2120 // 241.69 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Bruse Tarl + Thrasios - 2nd
by Svenhawk PRICE: $4419 // 364.08 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Chulane, Teller of Tales - Top4
by Spleenface PRICE: $3894 // 300.31 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Tevesh Szat + Tana - Top4
by Mastr0 PRICE: $4001 // 325.76 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy - Top8
by Dannybeee PRICE: $4540 // 308.33 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Tymna + Malcolm - Top8
by Deak PRICE: $5567 // 263.07 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Tymna + Thrasios - Top8
by Vasher PRICE: $6075 // 376.23 TIX
Ka0s at the Nexus @ webcam discord
Malcolm + Tana - Top8
by Zentiic PRICE: $5138 // 386.03 TIX