The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Gruul Aggro - 1st
by Hiroaki Taniguchi PRICE: $188 // 91.58 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Four-color Yorion - 2nd
by Monstermann17 PRICE: $532 // 157.82 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Azorius Auras - Top4
by Greg Kunnanz PRICE: $145 // 15.14 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Dimir Rogues - Top4
by Leonardo Lima - HG Team PRICE: $217 // 37.08 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Mono-Red Burn - Top8
by alzalacapitano PRICE: $79 // 65.62 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Selesnya Midrange - Top8
by Timothy Rhodes PRICE: $507 // 179.62 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Gruul Aggro - Top8
by Ricardo Mueller PRICE: $282 // 133.44 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Four-color Yorion - Top8
by David Harding PRICE: $526 // 87.82 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Temur Marvel - Top16
by removed removed PRICE: $613 // 76.56 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Boros Cycling - Top16
by Rennace Tomko PRICE: $121 // 18.21 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Dimir Rogues - Top16
by snaporaz PRICE: $173 // 39.52 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Jund Sacrifice - Top16
by Monkey yoloswag PRICE: $477 // 114.06 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Azorius Control - Top16
by mtgpro2000 PRICE: $373 // 97.26 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Other Decklists - Top16
by Tomas Pokorny PRICE: $340 // 75.61 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Jund Sacrifice - Top16
by Dale Kunnanz PRICE: $248 // 86.69 TIX
The Dingus Cheese Pizza Late Night Open @GrilledCheese
Other Decklists - Top16
by Noé Alessandro Rivera Carvallo PRICE: $488 // 137.04 TIX