132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
Aluren - 1st
by Kyogoku Kyosuke PRICE: $5347 // 557.24 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
Death&Taxes - 2nd
by Doi Satsuki PRICE: $1087 // 265.55 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
Elves - Top4
by Ishii Takuya PRICE: $6842 // 380.33 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
Salvager Combo - Top4
by Tanaka Mikito PRICE: $6165 // 501.03 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
Show and Tell - Top8
by Kawakami Kazuya PRICE: $2790 // 358.47 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
12Post - Top8
by Shibata Akira PRICE: $2585 // 348.85 TIX
132th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store @Hareruya (Japan)
UR Delver - Top8
by Morishima Ryouta PRICE: $4501 // 540.35 TIX