153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Initiative Stompy - 1st
by Hirouchi Hideaki PRICE: $867 // 240 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
UB Reanimate - 2nd
by Yamanaka Kousuke PRICE: $2243 // 339.88 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Lands - Top4
by Hataue Tomoki PRICE: $7549 // 236.9 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Death&Taxes - Top4
by Kawama Teruhisa PRICE: $728 // 194.84 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
BR Reanimate - Top8
by Mutou Shougo PRICE: $1780 // 309.75 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Human Aggro - Top8
by Nakazawa Riku PRICE: $520 // 111.74 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Aluren - Top8
by Yamada Taichirou PRICE: $1716 // 224 TIX
153th KMC with Hareruya tournament center Osaka store
Sneak Show - Top8
by Tashiro Kouichi PRICE: $2044 // 275.01 TIX