God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
Turbo Depths - 1st
by Suzuki Yuuta PRICE: $845 // 366.21 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
WU Control - 2nd
by Ikegami Akira PRICE: $4316 // 501.19 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
Elves - Top4
by Takano Shigeki PRICE: $6415 // 484.89 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
WU Control - Top4
by Kobayashi Tatsuumi PRICE: $4313 // 414.91 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
Eldrazi - Top8
by Kurokawa Ryushi PRICE: $1150 // 295.94 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
WUG Control - Top8
by Shinohara Gen PRICE: $3998 // 641.77 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
Jeskai Stoneforge - Top8
by Sasaki Itsuhito PRICE: $4938 // 539.23 TIX
God of Legacy Practice - 2021/7/4 @Hareruya (Japan)
UR Delver - Top8
by Heshiki Tomohiro PRICE: $4289 // 545.43 TIX