Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Sultai Snow Control - 1st
by Fukudome Yuu PRICE: $4478 // 401.26 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Mono Red Prison - 2nd
by Kodaira Shouta PRICE: $2513 // 440.33 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
URG Delver - Top4
by Harada Danpei PRICE: $6151 // 450.29 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
WUG Control - Top4
by Tashiro Kouichi PRICE: $6097 // 549.05 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Hogaak - Top8
by Ogino Genki PRICE: $1167 // 267.76 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Death&Taxes - Top8
by Doi Satsuki PRICE: $1145 // 291.42 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Hogaak - Top8
by Sakamoto Kazuma PRICE: $5203 // 275.8 TIX
Hareruya - 130th KMC with sunny weather tournament center Osaka store
Jeskai Stoneforge - Top8
by Yamada Taichirou PRICE: $3680 // 459.77 TIX