Legacy The New Hope
Legacy The New Hope
Lands - 1st
by Juan Freire PRICE: $9325 // 442.94 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
UW Stoneblade - 2nd
by Javier Chamuesco PRICE: $2994 // 361.18 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Berserk Stompy - Top4
by Jose Carlos Riego PRICE: $4075 // 376.61 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Grixis Control - Top4
by Juan Rubioi Galan PRICE: $7787 // 393.44 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Blade Control - Top8
by Antonio Manjon PRICE: $3506 // 384.55 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Miracle Control - Top8
by Lucas Marin PRICE: $6187 // 381.99 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Death and Taxes - Top8
by Rogelio De Los Rios PRICE: $1271 // 233.05 TIX
Legacy The New Hope
Spiral Tide - Top8
by Santiago Blanco PRICE: $9259 // 357.73 TIX