SCG Classic Worcester
SCG Classic Worcester
Grixis Delver - 1st
by roland chang PRICE: $6444 // 474.23 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Grixis Control - 2nd
by Anderson Boone PRICE: $6935 // 433.47 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Blade Control - Top4
by Kenta Hiroki PRICE: $3013 // 361.43 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Sneak and Show - Top4
by Joseph Horton PRICE: $4739 // 445.67 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Elves - Top8
by Eric Meadow PRICE: $7066 // 193.69 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Death and Taxes - Top8
by Brent Miles PRICE: $1128 // 226.14 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Maverick - Top8
by Austin Widmer PRICE: $3093 // 225.45 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Affinity - Top8
by Matthew Whittle PRICE: $2365 // 353.47 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Reanimator - Top16
by Blake Demers PRICE: $2274 // 245.71 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Maverick - Top16
by Lewis Cook PRICE: $3659 // 218.86 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Death and Taxes - Top16
by Daniel Booth PRICE: $1251 // 294.45 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Sneak Attack - Top16
by Christopher Kucera PRICE: $5075 // 473.61 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Mono-Red Prison - Top16
by Jordan Goodwin PRICE: $2452 // 345.95 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Grixis Control - Top16
by Lucas Wade PRICE: $6944 // 419.84 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Blade Control - Top16
by Thomas Gullo PRICE: $3061 // 326.06 TIX
SCG Classic Worcester
Grixis Phoenix - Top16
by Michael Rapp PRICE: $5696 // 329.66 TIX