Mono-Green Tron deck, by Cem Mutlu

Mono-Green Tron. Builder: Cem Mutlu MTG Top4SCG Invitational Qualifier Toronto 26-Jan-2019
Visual View
Maindeck (60)
Creature [9]
3  Walking Ballista  $17.99
3  Wurmcoil Engine  $16.99
1  World Breaker  $1.29
2  Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger  $29.99
Artifact [18]
4  Chromatic Sphere  $0.69
4  Chromatic Star  $0.35
4  Expedition Map  $2.99
4  Oblivion Stone  $0.79
2  Relic of Progenitus  $7.49
Sorcery [8]
4  Ancient Stirrings  $0.35
4  Sylvan Scrying  $0.59
Planeswalker [6]
4  Karn Liberated  $8.99
2  Ugin, the Spirit Dragon  $29.99
Land [19]
4  Forest  $0.01
1  Ghost Quarter  $0.49
1  Sanctum of Ugin  $1.79
1  Urza's Factory  $0.35
4  Urza's Mine  $0.79
4  Urza's Power Plant  $0.69
4  Urza's Tower  $0.69
Sideboard [15]
2  Grafdigger's Cage  $2.49
3  Thragtusk  $0.39
4  Nature's Claim  $1.49
2  Spatial Contortion  $0.35
2  Surgical Extraction  $1.99
2  Warping Wail  $0.79

Buy this deck:

$31.76 Tix @cardhoarder   $0.99 / Week @cardhoarder   $265.00 @tcgplayer   $329.89 @cardkingdom  

Deck Tools:

Visual View Similar Decks Proxies Archetype Analysis

Export & Save:

Magic online format Apprentice and MWS .dec

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Last update: 2019-01-29 19:17:00