MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Gobern (1st Place) - 1st
by Gobern PRICE: $756 // 313.85 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
sfitz (2nd Place) - 2nd
by sfitz PRICE: $899 // 582.77 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
SmoiL (3rd Place) - Top4
by SmoiL PRICE: $826 // 387.06 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
GameOnSummerside (4th Place) - Top4
by GameOnSummerside PRICE: $741 // 245.57 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Eldrazi and Taxes - Top8
by MiguelCaster PRICE: $574 // 154.16 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Devoted Druid Combo - Top8
by __matsugan PRICE: $744 // 259.72 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Gul_Dukat (7th Place) - Top8
by Gul_Dukat PRICE: $599 // 281.88 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Eldrazi and Taxes - Top8
by penips PRICE: $637 // 166.9 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
darthnius (9th Place) - Top16
by darthnius PRICE: $222 // 91 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Team5c (10th Place) - Top16
by Team5c PRICE: $1335 // 645.71 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
hotshot_162 (11th Place) - Top16
by hotshot_162 PRICE: $718 // 203.03 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
chenzhiming (12th Place) - Top16
by chenzhiming PRICE: $695 // 191.08 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Ninjaneer83 (13th Place) - Top16
by Ninjaneer83 PRICE: $719 // 406.42 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
aceoum (14th Place) - Top16
by aceoum PRICE: $509 // 250.75 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Lantern Control - Top16
by kanister PRICE: $1064 // 690.69 TIX
MTGO Modern Challenge #10878902
Smallpox - Top16
by IxidorsDreams PRICE: $1269 // 613.13 TIX