Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Sultai Shadow - 1st
by Geon Fuganti PRICE: $981 // 252.93 TIX
Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Monogreen Tron - 2nd
by Felipe Valente PRICE: $644 // 163.38 TIX
Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Burn - Top4
by Lucas Arantes PRICE: $657 // 256.73 TIX
Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Azorious Control - Top4
by Vagner William Casatti PRICE: $1251 // 363.03 TIX
Night of Champions @ Vila Celta (Curitiba, Brazil)
Lucas Arantes - Top4
by Burn PRICE: $657 // 256.73 TIX