PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Bant Knightfall - 1st
by Timothy Thomason PRICE: $960 // 381.15 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Infect - 2nd
by Jamey Putty PRICE: $559 // 196.46 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Eldrazi Tron - Top4
by Avery Walker PRICE: $807 // 401.82 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Rg Tron - Top4
by Paul Weber PRICE: $777 // 303 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Cheerios - Top8
by Andrew Kurtzman PRICE: $602 // 389.49 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Eldrazi Tron - Top8
by Zach Philley PRICE: $848 // 450.8 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Mono-green Stompy - Top8
by Mathew Stone PRICE: $98 // 42.37 TIX
PPTQ Rivals of Ixalan (Huntsville, Texas)
Vizier Company - Top8
by Gabriel Nicholas PRICE: $1073 // 381.41 TIX