Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Lotus Combo - 1st
by Kevin Anctil PRICE: $346 // 100.64 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Mono White Humans - 2nd
by Matthieu McNeil Caron PRICE: $222 // 27.85 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Azorius Control - Top4
by Alexandru Tibirna PRICE: $325 // 99.66 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Azorius Control - Top4
by Samuel Delorme PRICE: $328 // 76.45 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Mono White Humans - Top8
by Maxime Denis PRICE: $240 // 28.92 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Gruul Vehicles - Top8
by Arno Bellavance PRICE: $363 // 119.03 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Izzet Phoenix - Top8
by André Boucher-Frappier PRICE: $317 // 82.61 TIX
Regional Championship Qualifier #3 | The Mythic Store // La Boutique Mythique - Quebec City
Gruul Aggro - Top8
by Philippe Huard PRICE: $188 // 28.9 TIX