1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Madness - 1st
by Eloi Navarro PRICE: $68 // 75.37 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
The Solution - 2nd
by Xavi Domenech PRICE: $293 // 93.59 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Goblins - Top4
by Sergio Aragon PRICE: $620 // 187.7 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
UR Control - Top4
by Iñaki Puigdollers PRICE: $198 // 145.79 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Elves - Top8
by Carlos Orellana PRICE: $6301 // 141.94 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
MUD - Top8
by Joe Gallegos PRICE: $2789 // 286.04 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
The Rock - Top8
by Jose Nuñez PRICE: $411 // 17.61 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Goblins - Top8
by Victor Gomez PRICE: $620 // 187.7 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Pox - Top16
by Raul Soler PRICE: $3761 // 288.89 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Deadguy Ale - Top16
by Jaume Palacios PRICE: $264 // 124.64 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
Landstill - Top16
by Albert Domenech PRICE: $513 // 106.33 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
The Rock - Top16
by Cristian Mostazo PRICE: $195 // 15.19 TIX
1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs
The Rock - Top16
by Lluis Moriel PRICE: $518 // 29.58 TIX