Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Azorius Control - 1st
by Jonathan Sebastian PRICE: $184 // 224.74 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Azorius - 2nd
by Christian Andersen PRICE: $198 // 249.76 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Gruul - Top4
by Eric Lukito PRICE: $236 // 128.64 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Azorius Control - Top4
by Ivan Marli PRICE: $191 // 236.6 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Fires of Invention - Top8
by Edwin Edward Sitanto PRICE: $338 // 320.97 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Red Deck Wins - Top8
by Albert T Yoe PRICE: $117 // 48.37 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Simic - Top8
by Kevin Gondowijoyo PRICE: $287 // 107.03 TIX
Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia)
Sultai - Top8
by Samuel Cahyadi PRICE: $622 // 319.16 TIX