Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Steel Leaf Stompy - 1st
by Kase Takahiro PRICE: $95 // 27.41 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Sultai Midrange - 2nd
by Takahashi Tatsuki PRICE: $312 // 128.95 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
WUB Control - Top4
by Nagai Takayuki PRICE: $222 // 68.53 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
RG Aggro - Top4
by Kiuchi Takahiro PRICE: $175 // 56.46 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Sultai Midrange - Top8
by Matsuzaki Eiji PRICE: $317 // 128.51 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Wild Monsters - Top8
by Kyutoku Ryuichi PRICE: $180 // 61.94 TIX
Hareruya - LMC Narita 627th - "War of the Spark booster box" Standard
Temur Reclamation - Top8
by Takeda Harunobu PRICE: $748 // 67.75 TIX