Standard Showdown @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines)
Standard Showdown @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines)
Domain Ramp - 1st
by Imman Van Valerio PRICE: $605 // 110.88 TIX
Standard Showdown @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines)
Red Deck Wins - 2nd
by Martin Bautista PRICE: $70 // 12.59 TIX
Standard Showdown @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines)
Domain Ramp - Top4
by Irah Scott Naldoza PRICE: $474 // 105.2 TIX
Standard Showdown @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines)
Esper Aggro - Top4
by Arvin Ibay PRICE: $635 // 137.79 TIX