MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Grixis Tinker - 1st
by Vivarus PRICE: $19850 // 508.42 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Urza's Control - 2nd
by _Pady_ PRICE: $16236 // 611.29 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Paradoxical Outcome - Top4
by Nick_Fox PRICE: $14955 // 613.82 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Hollow Vine - Top4
by Vizzerdrix PRICE: $19443 // 625.87 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Doomsday - Top8
by discoverN PRICE: $12055 // 424.8 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Planeswalkers Control - Top8
by Naoto PRICE: $17958 // 718.88 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Ichorid - Top8
by CyrusCG PRICE: $13915 // 367.94 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Underworld Breach - Top8
by yamakiller PRICE: $13428 // 680.79 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Paradoxical Outcome - Top16
by P3T3Y-J4Y PRICE: $14955 // 613.82 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Underworld Breach - Top16
by bennybo PRICE: $13450 // 670.67 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Death and Taxes - Top16
by Alexis_The_Great PRICE: $11797 // 324.6 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Death and Taxes - Top16
by Arrout PRICE: $16128 // 443.86 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Hollow Vine - Top16
by aedrew PRICE: $22097 // 291.57 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Urza's Control - Top16
by Slasher21 PRICE: $13235 // 508.05 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
Death and Taxes - Top16
by mosh110 PRICE: $20293 // 411.65 TIX
MTGO Vintage Premier #12359294
MUD/Stax - Top16
by bcs8995 PRICE: $24903 // 392.31 TIX