Kemba, Kha Enduring Combos

Kemba, Kha Enduring + Mana Echoes + Chromatic Orrery

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite colored mana. Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control at least four Cats. available.

Kemba, Kha Enduring + Mana Echoes + Farrelite Priest

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite white mana. Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control at least four Cats. {W}{W} available.

Kemba, Kha Enduring + Mana Echoes + Mycosynth Lattice

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite colored mana. Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control at least four Cats. available.

Koll, the Forgemaster + Kemba, Kha Enduring + Ashnod's Altar

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield. Kemba has at least one Equipment attached.

Koll, the Forgemaster + Kemba, Kha Enduring + Phyrexian Altar

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control a Cat with an Equipment attached that can be cast using one colored mana.