Major Legacy Events meta

Top Legacy Decks

Legacy meta

# Name Meta Tier Price
14.93% tier-1 $2152
7.39% tier-1 $1069
Grixis Tempo
6.67% tier-1 $3054
Temur Tempo
5.55% tier-1 $2367
Domain Beanstalk
5.04% tier-1 $2585
4.89% tier-1 $7529
Mono Red Prison
4.48% tier-1 $979
Painter Grindstone
3.06% tier-2 $1334
Boros Initiative
2.39% tier-2 $1660
GWx Depths
2.39% tier-2 $3096
Sultai Beanstalk
2.39% tier-2 $2560
UWx Control
2.34% tier-2 $1591
2.29% tier-2 $1361
2.19% tier-2 $3151
Death & Taxes
2.19% tier-2 $1070
Temur Cascade
1.88% tier-2 $2031
Dimir Evoke
1.68% tier-2 $2485
Golgari Toolbox
1.58% tier-2 $1862
1.53% tier-2 $2486
1.32% tier-2 $4180
1.32% rogue $0
Bant Beanstalk
1.27% tier-2 $2056
1.17% tier-2 $2400
Cephalid Breakfast
1.17% tier-2 $1929
Mono Black Evoke
1.12% tier-2 $1151
UBx Death's Shadow
1.12% tier-2 $1502
1.07% tier-2 $250
12 Post
1.02% tier-2 $3491
Creative Technique
0.92% tier-2 $1008
Goblin Welder
0.87% tier-2 $1859
Show all (96)

The above table contains a complete list of the top winning decks updated to April 2024.

How it is calculated?

  • Tier 1: The top archetypes that account for 50% of the meta. (Or the top 15 archetypes if that number is lower than ten).
  • Tier 2: Tier 2: All archetypes with a presence greater than 0.20% of the metagame that are not Tier-1.
  • Tier 3 & Rogues: Archetypes with a presence equal to or less than 0.2% of the total number, and rogue decks.

What is this section about?

Last updated: 2024-04-27 12:58:12