Boros Charm Combos

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm

Combo result
Infinite lifegain. Infinite lifegain triggers.

Boros Charm in hand. All permanents on the battlefield. You have a way to give Boros Reckoner lifelink. You have a way to deal damage to Boros Reckoner. {R}{W} available.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Mark of the Vampire

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Mark of the Vampire.

Polyraptor + Boros Charm + Forerunner of the Empire

Combo result
Infinite tokens. Infinite damage to every creature on the battlefield. . Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield exept for Polyraptor in hand, and enough mana to cast Boros Charm and Polyraptor.

Palisade Giant + Arcbond + Boros Charm

Combo result
Infinite damage.

Palisade Giant on the battlefield. All other cards in hand. You have a way to deal damage to yourself or a permanent you control. {R}{R}{W} available.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Unflinching Courage

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Unflinching Courage.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Steel of the Godhead

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Steel of the Godhead.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Staggering Insight

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Staggering Insight.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Squire's Devotion

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Squire's Devotion.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Scourge of the Nobilis

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Scourge of the Nobilis.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + On Serra's Wings

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with On Serra's Wings.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Nearheath Pilgrim

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Neath Piligrim parired with Boros Reckoner

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Aspect of Lamprey

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Aspect of Lamprey.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Lifelink

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with lifelink.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Hopeful Eidolon

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Hopeful Eidolon.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Gift of Orzhova

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Gift of Orzahova.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Felidar Umbra

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Felidar Umbra.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Face of Divinity

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Face of Divinity and another aura.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Eternal Thirst

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Eternal Thirst.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Daybreak Coronet

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Daybreak Coronet.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Chromanticore

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Chromanticore.

Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Cartouche of Ambition

Combo result
Infinite lifegain.

available. All permanents on the battlefield. Boros Reckoner enchanted with Cartouche of Ambition.