Brazen Dwarf Combos

Brazen Dwarf + Swarming Goblins + Emiel the Blessed

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite damage. Infinite dice roll. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have at least three opponents. available.

Brazen Dwarf + Swarming Goblins + Emiel, the Blessed

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite damage. Infinite dice roll. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have at least three opponents. available.

Captain Rex Nebula + Brazen Dwarf + Archipelagore

Combo result
Infinite damage to opponents.

All permanents on the battlefield. Archipelagore mutated over Brazen Dwarf. The Archipelagore mutated creature does not have summoning sickness. An opponent cannot block and kill the Archipelagore mutated creature.

Captain Rex Nebula + Brazen Dwarf + Assault Suit

Combo result
Infinite damage. Infinite die rolls.

All permanents on the battlefield. available.

Captain Rex Nebula + Brazen Dwarf + Exchange of Words

Combo result
Infinite damage to opponents.

Exchange of Words in hand. Exchange of Words in hand. You control an additional creature with mana value 0 or mana value greater than 6. That additional creature does not have summoning sickness. An opponent cannot block and kill that additional creature. {U}{U} available.