Cloudshredder Sliver Combos

Sliver Gravemother + Intruder Alarm + Cloudshredder Sliver

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens with haste. Infinite colored mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count. Infinite commander casts. Infinite untap of all creatures.

Sliver Gravemother in the command zone. All other permanents on the battlefield. You have at least three opponents. At most plus two mana of any two different colors available, plus enough mana to pay for commander tax, if applicable.

Sliver Queen + Cloudshredder Sliver + Gemhide Sliver

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite 1/1 sliver tokens.

All permanents on the battlefield.

Sliver Queen + Cloudshredder Sliver + Manaweft Sliver

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite 1/1 sliver tokens.

All permanents on the battlefield.