Fated Infatuation Combos

Dualcaster Mage + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite magecraft triggers. Infinite scry 2.

All cards in hand. You control at least one creature. {U}{U}{U}{R}{R} available.

Mirror-Mad Phantasm + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite self-mill.

Mirror-Mad Phantasm on the battlefield. Fated Infatuation in hand. {U}{U}{U}{U} available.

Naru Meha, Master Wizard + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite magecraft triggers. Infinite scry 2.

Fated Infatuation in hand. Naru Meha in hand or in the command zone. You control at least one creature. {U}{U}{U}{U}{U} available plus enough mana to pay for commander tax, if applicable.

Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer + Combat Celebrant + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite combat steps. Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield. Fated Infatuation in hand with enough mana to cast it.

Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer + Timestream Navigator + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite turns.

All permanents on the battlefield. Fated Infatuation in hand with mana to cast it. available. You have the city's blessing.

Chronomantic Escape + Sphinx of the Second Sun + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Creatures cannot attack you.

Sphinx of the Second Sun on the battlefield. All other cards in hand. {W}{W}{U}{U}{U} available.

Palinchron + Vadrok, Apex of Thunder + Fated Infatuation

Combo result
Infinite colored mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite tokens.

Palinchron and Vadrok, Apex of Thunder in hand. Fated Infatuation in graveyard. :manawu: available from lands. Training Grounds on the battlefield.