Gaea's Blessing Combos

Syr Konrad, the Grim + Morality Shift + Gaea's Blessing

Combo result
Damage to your opponents equal to the number of creatures in your graveyard + 2x the number of creatures in your deck.

Syr Konrad on the battlefield. Morality Shift in hand. available. Shuffler in library. Deck should contain a number of creatures greater than or equal to half the life total of the opponent with the largest life total.

The Gitrog Monster + Dakmor Salvage + Gaea's Blessing

Combo result
Infinite card draw. Puts all cards from your library and graveyard into your hand.

The Gitrog Monster and Skirge Familiar on the battlefield. Dakmor Salvage in hand. Gaea's Blessing in library. An even number of cards in library and in graveyard, otherwise the combo can fizzle if Gaea's Blessing is the bottom card of your library at any point.