Hope of Ghirapur Combos

Hope of Ghirapur + Genesis Chamber + Mycosynth Golem

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count. Infinite commander casts.

Hope of Ghirapur in the command zone. All other permanents on the battlefield. You are able to cast Hope of Ghirapur for due to Mycosynth Golem. Sculpting Steel on the battlefield as a copy of Genesis Chamber.

Koll, the Forgemaster + Hero's Blade + Hope of Ghirapur

Combo result
Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield. Hero's Blade attached to Hope of Ghirapur.

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way + Hope of Ghirapur + Ashnod's Altar

Combo result
Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield.

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way + Hope of Ghirapur + Krark-Clan Ironworks

Combo result
Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield.

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way + Hope of Ghirapur + Phyrexian Altar

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite storm count.

All permanents on the battlefield.