Khalni Gem Combos

Myr Welder + Freed from the Real + Khalni Gem

Combo result
Infinite colored mana.

Khalni Gem exiled by Myr Welder. All other permanents on the battlefield. Freed from the Real attached to Myr Welder. Myr Welder does not have summoning sickness.

Myr Welder + Pemmin's Aura + Khalni Gem

Combo result
Infinite colored mana.

Khalni Gem exiled by Myr Welder. All other permanents on the battlefield. Pemmin's Aura attached to Myr Welder. Myr Welder does not have summoning sickness.

Myr Welder + Staff of Domination + Khalni Gem

Combo result
Infinite colored mana. Infinite untap. Infinite card draw. Infinite life.

Myr Welder is not summoning sick. All other permanents in the graveyard. Myr Welder on the battlefield. available.

Trazyn the Infinite + Staff of Domination + Khalni Gem

Combo result
Infinite colored mana. Infinite lifegain. Infinite lifegain triggers. Infinite card draw. Infinite draw triggers. Infinite untap of creatures you control.

Trazyn the Infinite on the battlefield. All other cards in your graveyard. Trazyn the Infinite does not have summoning sickness.