Lightning Volley Combos

Druid's Call + Intruder Alarm + Lightning Volley

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite untap of creatures you control.

Lightning Volley in hand. All permanents on the battlefield. Druid's Call attached to an indestructible creature you control that does not have summoning sickness. {R} available.

Lightning Volley + Polyraptor + Concordant Crossroads

Combo result
Infinite tapped creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

Lightning Volley in hand. All permanents on the battlefield. {R} available.

Warchanter Skald + Intruder Alarm + Lightning Volley

Combo result
Infinite damage. Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite untap of all creatures.

Lightning Volley in hand. All permanents on the battlefield. Warchanter Skald does not have summoning sickness. Warchanter Skald has at least one Aura and/or Equipment attached. {R} available.