Oboro, Palace in the Clouds Combos

Kodama of the East Tree + Field of the Dead + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite landfall triggers. Infinite ETB.

Oboro in hand or on the battlefield. All other permanents on the battlefield. You have not played a land this turn. You control at least six differently named lands.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Budoka Gardener + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in hand.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Budoka Gardener // Dokai, Weaver of Life + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite landfall triggers.

Oboro in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield. Budoka Gardener does not have summoning sickness. You control less than nine lands.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Llanowar Scout + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in hand.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Sakura-Tribe Scout + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in hand.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Scaled Herbalist + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite landfall triggers.

Oboro in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield. Scaled Herbalist does not have summoning sickness.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Skyshroud Ranger + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in hand.

Retreat to Coralhelm + Walking Atlas + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite damage.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in hand.

Scaretiller + Retreat to Coralhelm + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite colored mana. Infinite landfall triggers.

Oboro in hand. All other permanents on the battlefield. Paradise Mantle attached to Scaretiller. Scaretiller does not have summoning sickness. It is not your turn.

Second Chance + Emeria Shepherd + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds

Combo result
Infinite turns.

All permanents on the battlefield except for Oboro, Palace in the Heavens in hand. You have 5 or less life. You have not played a land this turn. available each turn.