Raptor Hatchling Combos

Raptor Hatchling + Warstorm Surge

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents in on the battlefield. You have a way to give Raptor Hatchling indestructible. You have a way to cause a creature to enter the battlefield or to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph + Temple Altisaur + Raptor Hatchling

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Halana, Kessig Ranger + Ashnod's Altar + Raptor Hatchling

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have a way to cause a creature to enter the battlefield under your control. You have a way to give Raptor Hatchling indestructible. available.

Raptor Hatchling + Darksteel Plate + Warstorm Surge

Combo result
Infinite tokens.

All permanents in on the battlefield. Darksteel Plate equipped to Raptor Hatchling. An additional creature in hand with the mana to cast it.

Raptor Hatchling + Terror of the Peaks + Darksteel Plate

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Darksteel Plate attached to Raptor Hatchling. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Raptor Hatchling + Terror of the Peaks + Eldrazi Monument

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Raptor Hatchling + Terror of the Peaks + Hammer of Nazahn

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Hammer of Nazahn attached to Raptor Hatchling. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Raptor Hatchling + Warstorm Surge + Eldrazi Monument

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Raptor Hatchling + Warstorm Surge + Hammer of Nazahn

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Hammer of Nazahn attached to Raptor Hatchling. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Raptor Hatchling + Warstorm Surge + Shield of Kaldra

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Shield of Kaldra attached to Raptor Hatchling. You have a way to deal damage to Raptor Hatchling.

Rite of Passage + Forerunner of the Empire + Raptor Hatchling

Combo result
Infinite damage to creatures. Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Raptor Hatchling has toughness 2 or greater. You have a way to cause a Dinosaur to enter the battlefield under your control.