Second Sunrise Combos

Archelos, Lagoon Mystic + Mystic Sanctuary + Second Sunrise

Combo result
Infinite card draw. Infinite draw triggers. Near-infinite mana lands you control can produce. Near-infinitely large Lithatog until end of turn. Near-infinite lifegain. Near-infinite lifegain triggers. Near-infinite landfall triggers. Near-infinite storm count. Near-infinite magecraft triggers.

All permanents on the battlefield. Second Sunrise in hand. You control at least two Plains. Archelos is untapped.

Dualcaster Mage + Second Sunrise + Altar of Dementia

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite LTB. Infinite mill.

Altar of Dementia on the battlefield. All other cards in hand. Enough mana to cast cards in hand.

Dualcaster Mage + Second Sunrise + Goblin Bombardment

Combo result
Infinite ETB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite LTB. Infinite damage.

Goblin Bombardment on the battlefield. All other cards in hand. Enough mana to cast cards in hand.

Second Sunrise + Codex Shredder + Krark-Clan Ironworks

Combo result
Infinite mana.

Codex Shredder and Krark-Clan Ironworks on the battlefield and enough rocks to produce to cast Second Sunrise and activate codex Shredder.

Second Sunrise + Codex Shredder + Sunscorched Desert

Combo result
Infinite damage. Infinite mana. Infinite lifegain.

All permanents on the battlefield. Second Sunrise in hand. Control lands that can produce and enter untapped.

Second Sunrise + Codex Shredder + Zuran Orb

Combo result
Infinite mana.

Codex Shredder on the battlefield and available froms lands to cast Second Sunrise and activate codex Shredder.

The Mirari Conjecture + Second Sunrise + Temporal Manipulation

Combo result
Infinite turns.

The Mirari Conjecture in hand. Other two spells in hand or graveyard. available on the third turn.

The Mirari Conjecture + Second Sunrise + Walk the Aeons

Combo result
Infinite turns.

The Mirari Conjecture in hand. Other two spells in hand or graveyard. available on the third turn.