Speaker of the Heavens Combos

Intruder Alarm + Speaker of the Heavens

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETBs.

All permanents on the battlefield, with a life total at least 7 higher than your starting total.

Coercive Recruiter + Speaker of the Heavens + Arcane Adaptation

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Speaker of the Heavens does not have summoning sickness. Your life total is at least 47. "Pirate" chosen with Arcane Adaptation.

Coercive Recruiter + Speaker of the Heavens + Conspiracy

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Speaker of the Heavens does not have summoning sickness. Your life total is at least 47. "Pirate" chosen with Conspiracy.

Coercive Recruiter + Speaker of the Heavens + Maskwood Nexus

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Speaker of the Heavens does not have summoning sickness. Your life total is at least 47.

Coercive Recruiter + Speaker of the Heavens + Xenograft

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB.

All permanents on the battlefield. Speaker of the Heavens does not have summoning sickness. Your life total is at least 47. "Pirate" chosen with Xenograft.